
As an internationally networked representative of the interests of the non-profit sector, the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations (VLGST) gives a voice to the affiliated member foundations and trusts.

Our story

The idea of working together to achieve more led to the founding of the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations (VLGS) in 2010. In 2019, the Association was also opened to charitable trusts and, accordingly, changed its name to the Association of Liech­tenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts (VLGST).


Our purpose

As an internationally networked representative of the interests of the non­profit sector, the Association gives a voice to its affiliated member foundations and trusts. As an umbrella organisation, VLGST advocates for good framework conditions and focusses on ensuring that recognised standards of good governance are adhered to and that charitable activities are publicised. The Association also works on legal development and supports taking a scientific approach to topics relat­ ing to foundation and trust law. The central concern is promoting the reputation of Liechtenstein as a foundation location, to positioning it in a future­oriented manner and therefore ensuring optimal opportunities for the development of non­profit legal entities in Liechtenstein.

Unsere Vision


Liechtenstein is an internationally renowned foundation and trust location. It offers founders and public benefit foundations and trusts a high degree of legal security and excellent framework conditions. It is characterized by great innovative capacity, a lean and liberal foundation and trust law with pronounced founder freedom, globally recognized financial services and a professional range of advisory services.

Unsere Mission


The Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts (VLGST) connects grant-making foundations and charitable trusts with each other and with relevant stakeholders and promotes their continuous development and dialogue in a spirit of partnership. Through its broad network and in cooperation with other actors, it supports the international positioning of the Liechtenstein public benefit foundation and trust sector.

Fields of action

Networking and knowledge transfer

  • Promotion of the exchange of experience and knowledge among members

  • Supporting the qualitative further development of members with specific information and training offers as well as examples of best practice

  • Keeping members up to date on relevant legal and sector-specific developments in Germany and abroad

  • Networking members with other relevant stakeholders in the nonprofit sector

Public relations and agenda setting

  • Promoting the public and political perception of the charitable foundation sector

  • Strengthening Liechtenstein's international positioning as an attractive location for public benefit foundations and trusts

  • Shaping the future direction of the foundation and trust location through strategic agenda setting and representation of interests in politics and with the authorities

Mitgliedschaft & Akquisition

Membership and acquisition

  • Professional membership management: know members and network their needs efficiently and effectively when needed

  • Ensure dynamic growth and regularly review membership alignment and quality

Governance und Ressourcen

Governance and resources

  • Professionalism and stability in terms of strategic, operational and financial management

  • Systematic monitoring of the development of the association and the environment through rapid action


Broschure Philanthropy Liechtenstein

You find further documents on our site Publikationen (in German).